Dedicated to Keeping Oregon's Trails Open for All.
Thank you for deciding to become an BCHO member. Please select the Membership Type first, as the fields below may change based on your selection.
Please Select your Membership Type
Single Membership $40
Family Membership $50
Patron Membership $100
Benefactor Membership $250
Sustaining Membership $500
Make a one-time donation with your membership (rounded to the nearest dollar).
Please select new membership, renewal or update member information.
Personal Information
Get access to BCHA online resources and receive email on national notices, alerts and the newsletter using your email address. You will have the option to opt out at any time.
Check here if you perfer to exclude your email address from the information sent to the National Organization BCHA.
Our newsletter, will be emailed to you at the address listed above.
Check here if you prefer to receive the newsletter by US mail.
Please Select your Chapter Preference below - Click here to see a map of chapter locations.
The membership dues collected here are paid to the state and national organizations, however some chapters have additional dues which are not being collected now, please pay them directly.
WAIVER OF LIABILITY & RELEASE: Must be accepted to join BCHO.
I assume all liability from any cause whatsoever in connection with Backcountry Horsemen of Oregon, Inc., hereinafter called "this non-profit organization" and I release this non-profit organization and its directors, officers, employees, agents and volunteers from all liability from any cause whatsoever in connection with this non-profit organization.
Please type your name in the signature box above as it appears in the Name field. Entering your name confirms you have read the waver of liability and accept all its terms therein. I declare I am not a minor or I am 18 years of age or older.
Have each adult family member type their name in the signature boxes above as it appears in the Other Adult fields above. Please enter names in the same order. Entering my name confirms I have read the waver of liability and accept all its terms therein and I declare I am an adult.
When you have completed all your membership information, please click on "Process Membership Form". If the form displays again, look for any fields you may have forgot to fill in or entered incorrectly. Any errors will be noted in "red" next to the field with the error. The form will continue to display until all fields have been filled out correctly.
Thanks for choosing to join BCHO!