Welcome to the Columbia Gorge Chapter of Back Country Horseman of Oregon, most of our members come from the Hood River area or surrounding areas. We are a very friendly bunch, where most members are day riders who either camp at the trailhead or drive in for a day ride. We do have a few members who still pack with horses and mules, so come join us for a ride, camp out, work party, or come learn to pack.
We have fun each year clearing trails, rebuilding horse camps, going on rides and campouts, teaching Leave no Trace ethics to Equestrians and working with local officials to maintain equestrian access to our backcountry and public lands. The Columbia Gorge Chapter Dues are $10.00 above the normal BCHO State & National memberships.
Chapter Officers
- President: Jim Forsman columbiagorge@bcho.org
- Vice President: Joy Senger,
- Treasure/Membership: Sue Forsman
- Secretary: Lynn Moore
- State Director: Becky Wolf, columbiagorge-dir@bcho.org
For those Google email users please subscribe to our calendar
Come Join Us
Are you a horse enthusiast who agrees that public lands should remain open to the recreational use of stock? Please come and get to know us and our organization, contact our president or come to one of our meetings. Please refer to our calendar for meeting dates and locations. For more information please contact Joy Senger,(541) 544-2023, columbiagorge@bcho.org.