The Highline Newsletter is published three times a year providing interesting articles on what our different chapters are up to, some great back country places to camp and ride, our calendar to let you know when you can join us for more fun in the saddle for a workparty, ride, camp out or one of our LNT training weekends. You will find some ads form our generous sponsors and just about anything else for the equestrian enthusiast. Here are some of the latest Highline Newsletters for your reading enjoyment. Click on the issues below to view or print them.

Are you a member and have something you want to say, we are always looking for interesting articles on your equestrian experiences. Please Email our Highline Article Coordinator, for more information.

Looking to place an Ad in the Highline? If you are interested just click here for more information.

Summer July Highline


Click here to Open the July 2024 Newsletter. Team Work makes the Dream Work 1,4 Members Rally in Salem for Recreational Immunity 3 BCHO Tech Corner 5 Volunteer of the Year Award 11 East Cascades Holds Packing Skills Field Day 6 Territorial Riders Hosts a Bigfoot Scavenger Hunt 10 See … Read More

Spring 2024 Highline


Click here to Open the April 2024 Newsletter. Highline 2.0 1, 3 Why should I get Involved with BCHO 3 Proposed New Trail 4 BCHO Tech Corner 5 Trails, How to get involved 6 BLM to Give 1280 Acres to Equine 10 See you at the Summit 12 Public Lands … Read More

November 2023 Highline


Click here to Open the November 2023 Newsletter. Why Wilderness 1, 3-5 Who Knew Saw Certification was Fun 6 Helping Others, See You Summit 6 PCT, Summer, Friends 7 The Horse Camping Experience 7 See You at the Summit 8 Go Slow and Reduce the Complexity 9 Just a Little … Read More

July 2023 Highline


Click here to Open the July 2023 Newsletter. To Be a Back Country Horsemen 1, 3 Gibson Prairie Horse Camp 4 Tree Markers 5 Oregon Horse Directory 6 Promo Items Available 7 Pony Express 8 Cyrus Horse Camp History 8-9 Allen Creek H. C. Trails 10-11 National Board Meeting 11 … Read More

April 2023 Highline


Click here to Open the April 2023 Newsletter. Lets Get Ready for Trail Season 1, 3 Chapter Meeting Times 2 Upper Rogue River Trail 2022 4-5 Oregon Horse Directory 6 Promo Items Available 7 Illinois River Forks State Park 8-9 Navigating E-Vehicles 10 Allen Creek Horse Camp 11 PCTA 12-15 … Read More

November 2022 Highline


Click here to Open the November 2022 Newsletter. Native Cutthroat in Nash Lake 1, 3-4 Chapter Meeting Times 2 Partnering with PGE to Mtn Trails 4 Promo Items Available 5 Oregon Horse Directory 6 Back Country Bear Encounters 7 Rides Taken by Emerald Members 8-9 Hot Shot Shaw Team 10 … Read More

June 2022 Highline


Click here to Open the June 2022 Newsletter. Chapter Meeting Times 2 BCHO Hot Shot Saw Team 3 Vector Control Help 4 Emerald Empire Chapter 2021 5 Middle Fork Willamette Trail 6-7 Oregon Horse Directory 8 BCHO Online Calendar Change 9 Riley Horse Camp Corral Project 10-11 TRBCHO Tackles Timothy … Read More

May 2022 Highline


Click here to Open the May 2022 Newsletter. Chapter Meeting Times 2 U.S Forest Service Guidance on Use of Equestrian Campsites 3-7 Ochoco National Forest, Allen Creek Horse Camp Trail Map 9 Our Horses Help Cleanup the Beaches 10-11 Some Interesting Geology 12 Highline Advertising 13 Events Calendar 14-15 Pages … Read More

November 2021 Highline


Click here to Open the November 2021 Newsletter. Chapter Meeting Times 2 Responsible Renegades Ride the Redwoods Equestrian Packing trip 2021 (Redwoods, CA) 3 Eliminating Mosquitoes and Flies 7 Kind of a Slim Year 8 Got Èr Done! 9 Leave No Trace Pack Trip July 2021 10 Hot Shot Saw … Read More

July 2021 Highline


Click here to Open the July 2021 Newsletter. Chapter Meeting Times 2 TRBCHO Volunteers Logout Timothy Lake Trails 3 Mt. Pisgah LNT Camping and Wilderness Skill Practice 6 The Discussion Goes On- Part 2 7-8 Fun at Cyrus Horse Camp 9 Events Calendar 10 Fly Problem 11 Riding for the … Read More

May 2021 Highline


Click here to Open the May 2021 Newsletter. Chapter Meeting Times 2 History of BCHO (Continued) 3 Presidents Letter 4 Leave No Trace Principles 5-6 The Discussion Goes On 7-8 Emerald Empire Beach Clean-up 9 Events Calendar 10 BCHO Campout Word Search 11 Guess The Horse Condition 12 The Dutch … Read More

November 2020 Highline


Click here to Open the November 2020 Newsletter. Cover Story (Continued) 3 President’s Letter 4 Cover Story (Continued) 5 Huge Thank You to BCHO, Donators andCommittee Members 6 High-Desert Trail-Riders BCH 7 Hard as Rocks 8 Back Country Horsemen Helping TheirNeighbors 9 Events Calendar 10 A Letter from Diane 12 … Read More

July 2020 Highline


Click here to Open the July 2020 Newsletter. Cover Story (Continued) 3 President’s Letter 4 Cover Story (Continued) 5 COVID-19 – What an Experience 8 One Step Forward, One Step Back 9 How Do I Get There? 9 Sourdough Member Highlight 10 How do I get there? (Continued) 11 Wilderness … Read More

April 2020 Highline


Click here to Open the April 2020 Newsletter. Cover Story (Continued) 3 President’s Letter 4 BCHO Rendezvous 5 Backer Beach Pre-Solve Cleanup 6 Equestrian Use of Wilderness Trails 7 Building Confidence 8 IT’S A WONDER OF A TRAIL! 9 Diamond-Hitch Award 10 Book Recommendation 10 Adapting 12 News from East … Read More

November 2019 Highline


Click here to Open the November 2019 Newsletter. Cover Story (Continued) 3 President’s Letter 6 Events Calendar 7 2019 Soda Mountain Pack In & Out 8 Corral Swamp – The Rest of the Story 10 Pack trip to the Eagle Caps 12 Oregon Trails Summit 2019 14 Membership Application 15

June 2019 Highline


Click here to Open the June 2019 Newsletter. Cover Story (Continued) 3 President’s Letter 4 Did you know this about Farm Well? 5 NWSA Workshop 6 Leaving a Legacy 8 What chapter did THAT? 10 Recommended Reads 11 Improving Gibson Prairie 12 Update: Central Cascades Wilderness Strategies 13 Badger Creek … Read More

April 2019 Highline


Click here to Open the April 2019 Newsletter. Cover Story (Continued) 3 President’s Letter 4 Come to the Trails Rec. Expo 6 Rehabillitating the Middle Fork National Receation Trail 8 Recipes to Share 9 Joint Resolution From BCHO & BCHW Concerning Our Wilderness Trails. 10 So Many Thanks, Jerry Bentz! … Read More

November 2018 Highline


Click here to Open the November 2018 Newsletter Inside This Issue Cover Story Continued 3 Presidents’s Letter 4 Online Newsletter 5 High Desert Trail Riders at Work 6 Rehabilitating the Middle Fork National Recreation Trail 8 Central Cascade Wilderness Strategy – A Good Idea Gone Bad 9 A Wilderness Ride … Read More

June 2018 Highline


Click here to Open the June 2018 Newsletter Inside This Issue Presidents’s Letter Continued 3 Heartfelt Thanks 3 Dan’s Obituary 4 Sharing The Trails Safety Clinic 6 Wild Whiskers 8 Using Cooperation to Keep Trails Well Maintained 10 A Day at Perrydale 11 Wilderness Benefits 12 Progress on the Middle … Read More

April 2018 Highline


Click here to Open the April 2018 Newsletter Inside This Issue Cover Story Continued 4 Presidents Letter 6 A Report on Public Lands Committee 8 We Have No Money 10 Forest Service Blasting Program 12 Riding with the US Forest Service 7 NFS Trails Stewardship Act 8 Horseback on the … Read More

November 2017 Highline


Click here to Open the November 2017 Newsletter Inside This Issue President’s Letter 3 The View From Here 4 Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2017 6 6 Special Trails 7 Big Foot 8 A Perfect Summer Ride 9 Clearing the Way 10 Eclipse Event at Mt. Jefferson 14 My First … Read More

April 2017 Highline


Click here to Open the April 2017 Newsletter Inside This Issue Cover Story Continued 3 Thanks, Partners! 6 Letter from the President 7 Officer Election 5 Baker Beach Cleanup 6 Your Oregon Contact Info 7 NFS Trails Stewardship Act 8 Cross-Cut Saw Competition 10 Federal Public Lands Under Assault 12 … Read More

November 2016 Highline


Click here to Open the November 2016 Newsletter Inside This Issue Cover Story Continued 3 Equine Symposium 2016 6 If You Shop Amazon, Please Help 7 2016 State Ride 8 Crew Leader Training 9 West Cascade Stocks Fish in Three Lakes 10 Riding the Pacific Crest Trail 12 Still a … Read More

June 2016 Highline


Click here to Open the June 2016 Newsletter Inside This Issue Report on the BCHO Board Meeting 3 BCHO Sawyer Certification News 4 East Cascades Chapter Update 6 501(c)(3) – How to use it! 8 National Director’s Report 9 Cody’s Corner 10 Event Calendar 12 Trail Skills College 14 Colombia … Read More

February 2016 Highline


Click here to Open the Feb 2016 Newsletter Inside This Issue Handing Down the Reins (Continued) 2 2016 Winter Convention 3 President’s Letter 4 TRBCHO New Year’s Day Ride 5 A Glorious Start to a New Year 6 East Cascades Chapter Update 8 Three Days Training 10 History of BCHO … Read More

Winter 2015 Highline


Click here to Open the Winter 2015 Newsletter Inside This Issue Cover Story (Continued) 3 President’s Letter 4 Thank Goodness Hoppy Wasn’t Here 7 Consider Yellowstone for Your Next Trip 8 Big Meadows Horse Camp Clean Up 11 When Work is Fun 14 Memoirs of a Novice Back Country Rider … Read More

Summer 2015 Highline


Click here to Open the Summer 2015 Newsletter Inside This Issue Horse Packing & Wilderness Skills Clinic (Continued) 3 President’s Letter 4 State Ride and Camp Out Coming up 6 A Reminder about State Work Party 6 Horse Owners Love Your Neighbor 7 Baker Beach Pre-Solve Cleanup 8 TRBCHO & OET … Read More

Spring 2015 Highline


Click here to Open the Spring 2015 Newsletter Inside This Issue Territorial Riders Chapter Grows in Many Ways (Continued) 3 President’s Letter 4 From the Editors 5 Big Meadows Horse Camp Clean Up and Maintenance 6 High Country Wilderness Packers Chapter 8 West Cascade BCHO Now Have Seven New Habits … Read More

Winter 2014 Highline


Click here to Open the Winter 2014 Newsletter Inside This Issue Oregon’s Wilderness Trails Are Disappearing (Continued) 3 In the Beginning 3 President’s Letter 4 PCTA Trail Work 2014 5 Pioneer Days 6 “Wilderness Management” – a Paradox or a Necessity? 8 A Little Mule Nobody Wanted – Jasper’s Story … Read More

Summer 2014 Highline


Click here to Open the Summer 2014 Newsletter Inside This Issue Baker Beach Pre-Solve Cleanup (Continued) 2 State Ride Information 3 Letter from the President 4 Mountain Bikes and Equestrian Future 6 Territorial Riders Chapter Update 8 Oregon’s National Directors’ Report 10 Thank you for a New Perspective 12 Advertising … Read More

Spring 2014 Highline


Click here to Open the Spring 2014 Newsletter Inside This Issue Greetings from BCHO President (Continued) 2 2016 Winter Convention 3 Hazards on the Trail 4 Leave No Trace Training Photos 6 Looking Ahead to Leave No Trace 2014 7 BCH Attend NW Regional Meeting of Int’l Mtn Biking 8 … Read More

Fall 2013 Highline


Click here to Open the Fall 2013 Newsletter Inside This Issue Summer Fun with Teens in the Wilderness (Continued) 2 Furbearer Trappers Regs & Cougar Encounter Advice 4 It Pays To Double Check, Some Times 5 A Note from the President 6 BCHO Vision Statement 7 Quilt Raffle 8 EEBCHO … Read More

Winter 2013 Highline


Click here to Open the Winter 2013 Newsletter Inside This Issue Winter Convention Reminders 2 Website Update 3 Emerald BCHO Challenges BLM EA 4 Ringing in the New Year in the NW 6 State Ride 2013 13 Quilt Raffle 14 Training for the Back Country BCH Mount Up for Wilderness … Read More

Summer 2013 Highline


Click here to Open the Summer 2013 Newsletter Inside This Issue A Note from BCHO President 3 Latest Scoop on State Ride 4 Cowboys & Cowgirls Go Sand Surfing 5 Equine Education 6 Fish Lake Remount Depot 7 Emerald Empire Summer Plans 8 Sourdough Chapter News 9 The History of … Read More

Fall 2012 Highline


Click here to Open the Fall 2012 Newsletter Inside This Issue A Little Thank You 2 Newsletter Updates 3 BCHO State Ride 2012 4 Guest Ranch Adventure 6 Bikers vs Horseback 8 Gibson Horse Camp 10 Territorial Riders Update 13 Trail Classifications 16

Spring 2012 Highline


Click here to Open the Spring 2012 Newsletter Inside This Issue Member Updates 2 Play in the Rain Day 4 Adventures of Janet and Loyce 7 Horse Packing with Pride 8 This Old Mule 11 Box Canyon Horse Camp 12 Cody’s Corner 14 Calendar 16

Fall 2011 Highline


Click here to Open the Fall 2011 Newsletter Inside This Issue Highline Newsletter Change 2 Member Memos 3 How to Dress for Outdoor Activity in Winter 4 Packer Store Quick Tip 5 Eighty Mile in Six Days 6 Bob Marshall Wilderness Trip 8 A Cookin’ and a Haulin’ 11 Tending … Read More

Summer 2011 Highline


Click here to Open the Summer 2011 Newsletter Inside This Issue Letters from the Editor 2 Member Memos 3 Activity Reports 4 Saddle Fitting 6 Albany Horse Fair & Expo 6 Fire Arm Safety Class 7 Sam Brown Horse Camp 8 Featured Ride 9 Pacific Crest Trail Meal 9 Cody’s … Read More